several months ago, a young co-worker approached me about making her wedding cake. she was hoping to find an inexpensive alternative to some of the quotes she had received. we spoke in detail and that was it, she didn't say anything about it again. finally, with less than 3 weeks to go, i asked her where she was getting her cake. she told me then that she hadn't ordered it yet and was planning to go to the supermarket bake shop and order it that week. the mother hen in me was forced into action.
after consulting with management, i was given the green light to make the cake. she emailed me the photo of the cake she wanted; we discussed flavors and frostings and flowers. this will be a small affair, held at the home of the groom's parents and the budget was conservative. the flowers would be silk. even with all the lobbying i did for the supermarket florist because they can have some really nice flowers, she stuck with silk. one less thing to worry about. or was it...
the week before the wedding, she ended up in the hospital with pneumonia and a set of tonsils in need of removal. these last few days, while trying to recover, she has been working on all of the little details of the wedding. too sick to shop for the silk flowers, she let her future mother in law pick them out and purchase them for her. she told the woman that she wanted purple flowers, roses if possible (i know what your thinking). what she got was just that, bright purple silk roses, obviously fake roses covered with little plastic dew drops...when i saw those awful things, i told another co-worker, "those are hideous, there's no way i can make them look good on a cake!!!" beth and i channeled our inner mother hens and we came up with a plan. a quick trip to michael's arts and crafts, several photos sent via cell phone, a long conversation and some text messages later and we had some pretty silk hydrangeas and ivy for the cake.

today was cake day. since it is an outdoor affair in august, i needed to get the cake done today to make it travel safe. it turned out nice considering that it is covered in silk flowers. what was that woman thinking-does she not like her future daughter in law or is she just lacking any taste at all??? here's to hope and phillip, good luck, congratulations and hope-get well soon!!!
want to have some fun, check out the website
cake wrecks. this site has cake disasters of unbelievable proportions and every sunday a post of sunday sweets-well done cakes to marvel.